MIT Institute Committee on Copyrights and Patents

Technology transfer at MIT is conducted via a variety of offices and programs:
  1. Technology Licensing Office (TLO)
  2. Industrial Liaison Program (ILP)
  3. Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
  4. Media Lab
  5. MIT Enterprise Forum
  6. Other organizations and campus clubs (e.g. MIT Entrepreneurs Club)
The Institute Committee on Copyrights and Patents oversees much of the activities by these offices and programs. The Committee recommends to the MIT administration policy guidelines for the processing of patents and copyrights. It also recommends policy for the ownership and commercial distribution of MIT intellectual property. Its policy recommendations balance a desire to transfer MIT technology to industry for the public good with a need to maintain an environment at MIT that promotes openness and excellence in education and research.

The current (1994-1995) members of the Committee are:
J. David Litster, Chairman
B. Jean Weidemier,** Executive Secretary
Allan S. Bufferd*
George H. Dummer*
Jay K. Lucker*
Lita Nelsen*
John T. Preston*
James D. Bruce (1995)
Thomas W. Malone (1995)
Robert A. Brown (1996)
Richard K. Lester (1996)
Richard A. Young (1996)
Boris Pevzner, G

* Ex officio voting
** Non-MIT member